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Purdue Pre-Veterinary Medical Association Constitution



            The name of the club shall be the Purdue Pre-Veterinary Medical Association (PPVMA).



ARTICLE II:  Purpose

The purpose of this association is to offer students of any background or interest the opportunity to expand their knowledge about the veterinary medical profession.  The ultimate goal being to help student’s that wish to attend veterinary school gain admittance.  Students will further their education by being exposed to the numerous career opportunities available to a practicing veterinarian.  Along with learning more about this career, members will have the opportunity to network with faculty and staff within Purdue’s Veterinary Teaching hospital, which we work closely with, and form lasting relationships among peers within the association. 



ARTICLE III:  Membership

Membership and participation are free from discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, genetic information, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, or status as a veteran.


The advisor of this club shall be Dr. Darryl Ragland.  As a non-student member of the organization he holds all of the rights and privileges therein, except for the right to vote or hold office.


Only Purdue University students are eligible for regular or active membership in the organization.  Purdue University staff and faculty are eligible for adjunct membership. 


The association has the right to remove anyone under the act of inappropriate or distasteful behavior that is not in accordance with Purdue University’s regulations and guidelines.


ARTICLE IV:  Officers

The officer positions that constitute the executive board shall be as follows:

  • President

  • Vice President/Secretary

  • Treasurer

  • Public Relations Chair

  • Community Service/Work Experience Chair

  • 2 Social Chairs

  • 2 Fundraising Chairs

  • Symposium Chair/ College of Agriculture Representative

  • Historian/Webmaster

  • The officers will be separated into two boards:  senior board and junior board.  The senior board consists of the President, Vice President/Secretary, and Treasurer.  This will be decision making body.  The junior board consists of all other offices and will act as liaisons between the association and the senior board.

  • All officers shall fulfill their office for one school year and must have been an active member within the club for one full semester prior to being elected to office. 

  • Anyone running for the office of President must have been an officer previously for a minimum of one year to be eligible. 

  • Officer elections will take place at the last scheduled meeting of the spring semester and will be conducted by the President and Vice President. 

    • Written applications need to be submitted to President for eligibility to run in elections.

    • Voting will be on a majority basis and the president will only vote if a tie occurs.

      • In event of tie for Presidency, the decision would be made on a majority basis of the Vice President, Treasurer, and Advisor.

    • Officers shall assume their assigned positions at the first meeting after elections.

  • Vacancy in an officer position may be filled through nomination and majority vote within officer board. 

  • If an officer can only knowingly fulfill one semester in office, an understudy should be elected to fulfill the positions in their absence.

  • If an officer fails to comply or sufficiently fulfill ones duties they shall be removed from office by a majority vote within the officer board. 



ARTICLE V:  Officers and Duties

  • President

    • The chief executive officer of the club and will have the responsibility to preside over all the meetings and other officers. 

      • Oversee all other officer positions to ensure all duties are being fulfilled.

    • Have the responsibility to uphold the constitution and all Pre-Veterinary Medical Association related activities.

    • The President shall coordinate speakers/presentations for general member meetings and be sure that all needs are met.

    • Ensure that Event Planning forms are filled out for all general member meetings.

      • Forms can be picked up and turned in at least 2 weeks in advance in Schleman Hall Room 250, The Student Activities and Organizations Office.

    • File election report on GetInvolved during spring semester of new officers, immediately following elections.

    • Hold officer meetings prior to every all member meeting.

    • Compose power point presentation with officer updates for general member meetings and send to webmaster to be uploaded on website.

    • Respond to emails within 48 hours.

  • Vice President/Secretary

    • The Vice President will fulfill the duties of the President in the occurrence of their absence. 

    • The Secretary will record the minutes and attendance of all meetings of the club. 

    • In charge of the membership roster and maintaining the attendance policy.

      • Active member list shall be sent to advisor promptly at end of school year.

    • Shall also be responsible for contacting the club via e-mail prior to all events held.

    • Reminders and updates should be posted on Facebook page and via Google Documents.

    • Respond to emails within 48 hours.

  • Treasurer

    • Keep accounts, deposit organizations funds, and make expenditures in a manner approved by the Business Office for Student Organizations (BOSO).

    • Maintain updated account balance and report at officer meetings.

    • Compose yearly budget and submit to President for expected expenditures of each officer.

    • Responsible for reimbursements of club members, officers or vendors from expenses on club related events.

      • Check request forms should be filled out and returned within 1 week to BOSO, Schleman Hall Room 213. 

    • In charge of collecting dues from all members by the third meeting of the year.

      • Dues shall be $15 for the semester or $20 for a year.

      • Maintain updated records of members that have paid dues and to report to the Vice President.

    • Work closely with the President and advisor in dealing with financial matters.

  • Public Relations Chair

    • Responsible for advertising all club activities, meetings and events.

      • Advertising should include, but not be limited to:

        • Flyers

        • Chalking

        • E-flyer

        • GetInvolved

        • Sheet signs through Alpha Phi Omega

        • Posters

    • Maintain club board in Lilly with current events and schedules with updates after each general meeting.

    • Work closely with all other officers to coordinate involvement of members in all events.

    • Develop and order t-shirts through a BOSO approved company.

  • Community Service/Volunteering Chair

    • Shall coordinate animal and non-animal related volunteer opportunities of which club members may participate.

      • Responsible for planning at least 4 volunteer experiences each semester.

    • Provide students with work related experiences related to animals or veterinary medicine.

      • Maintain updated list from the Animal Science Newsletter sent out by Barry Delks.

      • Research internship opportunities, work study and research positions available and update clubs to the positions.

    • Responsible for maintaining current attendance records at community service events.

    • Collect community service hours from members to meet club requirements.

  • 2 Social Chairs

    • Responsible for planning and coordinating a minimum of 4 social events per semester in order to give ample opportunity to fulfill active member status.

      • Must fill out Event Planning Form at least 2 weeks in advance and turn in to the Student Activities and Organizations Office, Schleman Hall 250

    • One of the Social Chair’s must be present at each social event in order to record attendance of members present.

    • Update the social calendar and remind members to sign up for upcoming social events.

      • Email reminders should be sent out to attendees both 1 week and 2 days before social.

    • Work closely with Public Relations Chair to advertise for upcoming socials.

  • 2 Fundraising Chairs

    • Responsible for generating and directing fundraising ideas for the club.

    • At least one fundraising chair should be present at each event.

    • Work closely with all other officers to coordinate participation in all fundraising events.

      • Work with Public Relations Chair to publicize fundraising events.

    • Plan at least 3 fundraising events each semester to give ample opportunities for members to fulfill active duties.

      • Maintain current record of members in attendance at each fundraiser to send to Secretary/Vice President within one week after the event.

    • Participate in stadium clean-ups after all home football games.

    • Coordinate fundraising events with other organizations for fundraising for philanthropies. 

  • Symposium Chair/ College of Agriculture Representative

    • Responsible for coordinating transportation, lodging, registration, and attendance of annual APVMA symposium.

      • Travel Planning Form should be filled out at minimum 2 weeks in advance and turned into BOSO.

      • Coordinate transportation through Purdue Transportation and ensure there are certified drivers, if needed.

      • Check request forms should be filled out at least 2 weeks in advance and filed with BOSO.

    • Work closely with Fundraising Chair in order to develop fundraising ideas to aid members planning to attend.

    • This office is also required to attend College of Agriculture meetings and to report back to the club of various events that are happening on campus.

  • Historian/Webmaster

    • Responsible for visual documenting of all meetings, events, and activities and representing these on the club’s Facebook page and website. 

    • Maintain permanent poster for event display throughout the year.

    • Responsible for updating and maintaining the PPVMA website and post relevant information and constitution. 

      • Information should be updated after each meeting.

    • Work closely with each officer to ensure current updates are uploaded on website.

    • Update Facebook page and GetInvolved site on a regular basis. 

  • All officers should keep updated records and regularly post relevant documents to Google Documents and maintain updated binder of relevant documents throughout office.

  • Responsible for sending out emails using G-mail account (



ARTICLE VI:  Amendments

  • Amendments to the club constitution or being may be requested by any officer.

  • For an amendment to pass, a majority of the executive board must be in favor of the proposal.

  • The constitution should be reviewed and revised every 2 years.

  • All amendments to the constitution and bylaws are subject to the approval of the Office of the Dean of Students. 




  • Meetings

    • The club should hold two meetings per month (a minimum of one is acceptable) as the academic calendar permits.

    • Meeting dates will be announced at the beginning of each semester.

    • The meetings shall consist of club business followed by additional meeting activities.

  • Attendance Policy

    • Members shall have no more than one unexcused absence per semester.  In the case of an excused absence, notify the Secretary prior to the meeting.

    • Exception must meet the approval of the Senior Board Members.

  • Members in Good Standing

    • Only members meeting the attendance policy requirements will be considered members in good standing.

    • An outstanding PPVMA Award may be given annually to a member who has excelled in leadership, activities, attendance, and shows interest in the field of veterinary medicine.

  • Active Members

    • Only members in good standing who have participated in at least two fundraising activity, two social activity and 10 hours of community service will be considered an active member per year

    • A list of all active members will be sent to the advisor of the club as a record for the veterinary school.  The list should be sent within 2 weeks of the conclusion of the semester.

© 2022 Purdue University Pre-Veterinary Medical Association

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